SAND CREEK festival, inc. PRESENTS

Battle of the badgez Charity Kickball Game
Friday, July 12
6:30 pm Watermelon Feed
7:00 pm Game Begins

You can’t beat free watermelon on a summer night! Come watch the Battle of the Badges and grab a free piece.
The first annual charity kickball game between Harvey County Fire versus Harvey County Law Enforcement is set to be a dynamic event! They may be sworn to protect and serve, but both sides wants to win this game while raising money for the All Together Now Inclusive Playground project in Harvey County!
Slate Creek Elementary in Newton is home to the county’s severely-multiply disabled (SMD) classroom where many students may have mobility devices or other special needs. Those devices and other special needs may limit their ability to play on existing playground equipment. This game will help fundraising to purchase an inclusive playground set where everyone can play together! This would include a wheelchair ramp, a communication board, and a musical component so all children can laugh, create, and communicate with their peers.
The night will “kick off” with an Army National Guard Color Guard and FOUR cannon salute! Then the night will “pitch” the Boys in Blue against the Boys in Red in a super fun night of competition and entertainment. Each player will choose their own walk up music and dazzle the audience with their athletic talent (or lack there of)! The night will also have events between innings for every age of fan, wee one to adults. These will include balloon popping, stick horse racing around the bases, celebrity bat spin race, water balloon launching, animal mask sounds for the little ones and a shoe gathering race.
There will be concessions and beverages to enjoy as well. All gate button sales, concession and beverage monies brought in that night will go towards the All Inclusive Playground Project.
Between Inning Games:
K & Below (x4) – Animal Sounds – Each kid picks a mask and then imitates the animal for a chance to win
1st to 6th Grade (x4) – Sneaker Scramble – 4 sets of shoes are tied to each other and entrant must untie, put on then tie again adn race to home plate
Jr High to High School (x4) – Stick Horse Race – Entrants race around bases to see who has the fastest horse
Fire Chief vs Police Chief – Dizzy Bat Race – The age old race with age old Chiefs!
Adults Couples (x4) – Balloon Smash – Each couple has to smash a balloon between them by hugging
Adult (3 teams of 4) – Water Balloon launch and catch – Three people launch 4 balloons and one tries to catch them in center field with a fish net
