Grindin’ Sand Creek

SAND CREEK festival, inc. PRESENTS


Skate Board Competition


Friday, July 12

Newton Skate Park – 415 N Poplar St

Check In:   6:00 -7:30 PM

Event Start Time:  8:00 pm

Skateparks are packed, skateboarding is everywhere on social media and in the Summer Olympics! Long before the Olympic committee was ever interested by skateboarding, believe it or not, it was not considered a cool discipline. One could argue it was always cool because of the unique way it allows us to interact with urban space, feel the sense of speed  and balance as well as a way to express oneself. The days where punks and misfits were the only ones skating are long gone. The discipline is now socially accepted and still cool for the right reasons. There is a great diversity of people skating and popularity will keep it growing with the Olympics next year as well as the huge influence of such great ambassadors such as Annie Guglia, Matt Berger, TJ Rogers and JS Lapierre.

GIRLS RULE!  This might be a major factor. There are so many girls and women skateboarders now and it is extraordinary for the skate culture. Girl skaters bring such a new and powerful energy. It could be argued that skateboarding is still a bit more rebellious when you are a girl. So that is exciting. Girls who skateboard break the stereotypes even more. Girl skaters are considered more rad then guys when you put it that way. Long live equal representation of the sexes in skateboarding and who cares about gender stereotypes anyways?

It could be argued that skateboarding is still a bit more rebellious when you are a girl. So that is exciting. Girls who skateboard break the stereotypes even more. Girl skaters are considered more rad then guys when you put it that way. Long live equal representation of the sexes in skateboarding and who cares about gender stereotypes anyways?

The competition will consist of a best trick contest on five different obstacles. There will be two divisions; novice and advanced and first and second place prizes/awards for all obstacles in both divisions. Twenty prize packages in total.

A Sand Creek Summer Daze Festival Button must be purchased in order to enter. Buttons will be available at the registration table when signing up the day of. All entries must sign up the night of the competition. 

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